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#1 Cameo Clone

High-performance website developed with the latest Front-End technologies.

The web experience is delivered through progressive web application (PWA). 


Start your own app for celebrity video messages with the top Cameo clone script.

Help the fans connect with their favorite celebrities and icons they look up to with the 100% customizable celebrity video-shoutout app Cameo Clone.


White Label Solution

Build a platform purely based on your theme and ideas. CameroGram is a white label solution with no forced branding or whatsoever.

Self Hosted

Own your platform by self-hosting it. Choose a hosting provider you think would be best for your business - no intrusions.

Mobile Responsive

Doesn’t matter whether the platform is used on desktop or mobiles! CameoGram is highly responsive and optimized for all screen resolutions - including tablets.

Full Support

We at our company are more than happy to inform you that we are providing a comprehensive and all-encompassing assistance package for both your mobile application as well as your platform

exaland concept
Better than a cameo!

Make a website like the famous “Cameo” site and start your business easily using our powerful ready-made program. You can make it your own by branding it with your company’s name and design.

Users can request for a personalised shoutout video from their favourite celebs, either for themselves or their beloved ones

The users can also schedule a one-on-one video call with the stars on the Cameo clone script. This feature makes our prebuilt app win an edge over the original app

The UI of our Cameo clone has been inspired by the original app. The attractive and intuitive home screen displays all creators: featured, top, trending

The creator profile displays their followers, following, and subscribers count; the total no. of posts uploaded, and the price charges for the shoutout, video-call, and subscription

Launch your Cameo Clone

Create a new app similar to Cameo, but with improved features and quality.

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