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#1 NetFlix Clone

High-performance website developed with the latest Front-End technologies.

The web experience is delivered through progressive web application (PWA). 


Mobile application developed in Native iOS and Android language offering an optimal browsing experience for your users

Our applications are designed to respect the Guide Lines recommended by the largest download platforms such as Apple Store – Google Play.

Open your Vod Plateform

Try our new NetFlix Clone with latest technologies

Optimized With m3u8

We have optimized our Netflix clone script with M3u8 format. Now, users needn’t manually change the ratio of videos it will be automatically done by the player as we are using the m3u8 format based on the network availability.

Video Player

Our Netflix clone is built in a way that it allows users to watch videos conveniently with play/pause options, forward/backward videos for 10 secs, audio mute option, audio subtitle, movie quality adjustment (1080p, 720p, 480p, 360p), video report in case of any inappropriate content.

Admin panel

Our Netflix clone includes a robust admin panel for managing the entire operations smoothly on the streaming service platform

Launch your NetFlix Clone

ExaFlix - #1 NetFlix Clone in France

Services Included

Play Video

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